Directions to Rosemary Remembrances II
Here is a map and driving directions to 10 Hill Road, Jim Thorpe, PA.
GPS coordinates for 10 Hill Road: Latitude, 40.8643007, Longitude, -75.7417112.
Business Hours:
Open most Saturdays and Sundays, Noon to 5 p.m., year round or by appointment and a whim…. Find cool old junk, collectibles, The Rosemary House herbs, nostalgia, one-of-a kind hand crafted gifts individually made by Marj. from those very treasures, and
Studio Apartment Guest Lodging Suite open year-round.
Jim Thorpe, PA is located at the edge of the world famous Pocono Mountains. The historic and quaint Victorian town of Jim Thorpe is nestled in between three mountains…. its magnificant surroundings offers something for everyone: shopping, biking, hiking, rafting, skiing, sightseeing, historical attractions, entertainment, accommodations, art galleries, festivals, and beautiful vistas.
Jim Thorpe, PA, Tourist Information
Jim Thorpe Visitors Center (at the Train Station)
2 Lehigh Avenue, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229
Open 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily
Call (570) 325-3673
Rosemary Remembrances II is a member of:
Parking in Jim Thorpe
BEWARE: Parking is always a challenge in Jim Thorpe! Keep in mind Old Mauch Chunk, now Jim Thorpe, was built for horse and buggies, not our automobiles…. We’re an easy walking town – so, we recommend you park in the large main parking lot (for a fee of $5 and up) located behind the Train Station (intersection of SR 209 and Broadway). Walk 2 blocks up Broadway to the Opera House and turn right on Hill Road. Rosemary Remembrances II Guest Lodging is on the right. The town uses seven parking kiosks, located downtown in the historic district along Broadway, Susquehanna Street, and Hazard Square. You’ll need to pay those kiosks 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day including weekends with cash/coins ($1 per hour) or ($1.25 an hour by credit/debit card or via the Whoosh mobile app. Make sure you place your paid kiosk receipt on the dashboard of your vehicle. The County of Carbon uses the old-fashioned coin fed meters found along SR 209. Add quarters. Jim Thorpe and Carbon County do ticket! (Approximately $5 to $20 per ticket).